MCR Group, Inc., is a company based in the United States, incorporated in the State of Florida in 1996, and with its own factory in Shenzhen, China. With its corporate headquarters in the US and continuous communication with our factory, MCR makes it easier and more efficient to communicate with customers worldwide.
Over the past 20 years, we have built strong relationships with client companies, local and international agencies and institutions. Today, the company has gained a consolidated international recognition. MCR Group, Inc. success lies on a largely diversified business experience featuring constant growth and profitability for our client companies since their start-up. We offer a unique manufacturing and out-sourcing support. The business reliability towards our customers, suppliers and employees is constantly enhanced. The informal and creative human environment in which we operate constitutes a seed-bed for new innovative ideas and related strategy thinking. The staff at your service is highly qualified, experienced, multilingual and multicultural able to meet your specific needs around the world.